

We make a difference because we are different.

We think human.

While cybercrime is rooted in technology, its primary motivations are intensely human, rooted in greed and power. Corporate-targeted cybercrime is an intricate dance between determined hacker-hunters and unsuspecting commercial prey. Senior executives rarely know much about risk, recovery, or even where their data resides. On the other side of the screen, savvy cybercriminals attack trusted systems 24/7/365.
Understanding this changes the game.

Creative solutions begin with Big Data.

SonMax starts the conversation at the intersection of Big Data and Risk. Why? Because that is where the information resides – where the ‘gold’ is. We then add our special blend of engineering acuity and analytical prowess, creating a 360° approach to sealing off vulnerabilities. We rout, destroy and lock down cybercrime – and don’t stop until we know the job is done.
Actionable insights. Flexible response.

Relationships matter.

At SonMax, we value our customers, adhering to the highest standards of honesty, competence, integrity, and trust. Every project is meticulously engineered and managed, but is only complete when our customers understand what we have done for them, end-to-end.
Our customers are integral to our solutions.